Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Review: Prince Claimed by Amber Kell

Title: Prince Claimed (Thresl Chronicles #2)
Publisher: Total E Bound 
Length: 88 pages

Grade: B


When fate spins two lives into turmoil, rising above their issues may be the only way to find true love.

Prince Bleine always had female mates before. As a Thresl he’d never been given a choice. The animal within chose who it chose. However when his brother-in-law Kreslan mates Bleine to a man in order to save his life, Bleine quickly learns to adapt and that what he’s always thought he wanted isn’t exactly what he needs.

Sarler left his home planet to escape their restrictive ways. Interested in pursuing his interest in men, he had been unsure how to start. When he is inadvertently bonded to Prince Bleine, he is struck by how little he understands about handsome princes or life at court.

Secrets and mysteries surround them. Can they discover everything about each other while keeping their enemies at bay? When Sarler is injured, he realises he has to take a chance if he ever hopes to find love with the prince of his dreams. Can he convince Bleine that he sincerely wants to give their relationship a try, or has he waited until it’s too late?


I reviewed the first book in this series, Soldier Mine HERE. This book has a new publisher and the first book has been re-released after getting a new cover and edits. (You can find it on Amazon for .99).

When Prince Bleine woke up bonded to another male, empath Sarler because he would have died if he didn’t find a mate immediately, he was open to the change. Even though his last two mates had been female, he was attracted to Sarler and willing to give it a go. However, his intended wasn’t as happy or as accepting. In between trying to woo his new mate, find out who wants to kill his brother, the King, and tracking down a long-lost relative, Prince Bleine is having an exciting, if not stressful time.

What I loved about the first book in this series, I also enjoyed in this one. The world building is superb, I adored the futuristic paranormal angle and the standard bonding trope is fresh and original with Ms. Kell’s creation of Thresels. Add in some political intrigue with rogue militants trying to overthrow Bleine’s brother from the throne and you have the perfect build-up in this installment to keep the momentum going where Soldier Mine left off.

My only complaint was that Bleine and Sarler’s romance seemed overshadowed by some of the political intrigue. At eighty-eight pages, there wasn’t enough meat to their story to make my rating higher. Yes, we got to see Kreslan and Vohne from book one, who are still delightful, but I wanted more time with Sarler and Bleine!

But, in my opinion the book is saved from a lower rating by the addition of a new character in Bleine’s missing uncle, Saint. A Thresl who can shift back and forth between his forms. He’s such an interesting character, he nearly takes over the last third of the book…but I loved him regardless. I cannot wait for his book.

To conclude, I am really enjoying this series that Amber Kell has created. I think it will appeal to paranormal and sci-fi readers alike.

Originally published on Reviews by Jessewave

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